Transforming women over 40 from…

Overweight, stressed and unhealthy.


Fit, strong and confident.


FREE Guide

How To Lose Meno Belly Without Ozempic

Meet your Coach



Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Fast Like A Girl Coach

Lifestyle Expert for Women Over 40

I grew up on a council estate, just outside Glasgow, in the 80’s on a diet of pot noodles and 10p mixtures. I remember one particular low point in my 20’s where I ate a packet of sugar paper for my dinner. Shocking, I know, but I share this with you so you understand, if I can turn my lifestyle around, you can too.

After years of dipping in and out of exercise classes and trying fad diets, I eventually made my health and fitness my priority in my mid 30’s and joined my local gym. I had no idea what I was doing so I paid for a personal trainer to teach me how to lift weights, that PT is now my partner, a cliche I know, but hey we fell in love.

A decade later I am now a Certified Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Expert and Fast Like A Girl Certified Coach teaching women over 40 how to improve their lifestyle, balance their hormones and minimise the awful symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause.

I am a mother and step mother and love a night out at the theatre or some stand up comedy. I like to unwind by listening to a podcast or audio book on my walks.

I’m not perfect by any means but I believe in progress over perfection any day. I’m proud of my achievements and how my lifestyle habits have personally helped me overcome post natal depression, lose over 4 stone in weight, manage chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis, and enjoy life as a peri-menopausal woman. I am especially proud of the healthy example I set for my daughter.

It is now my passion to teach other women like you how you can do the same.

Does this sound like you?


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BUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sapien felis, sollicitudin a leo eu, malesuada tincidunt nunc. Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere.


BUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sapien felis, sollicitudin a leo eu, malesuada tincidunt nunc. Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere.

Sleepless Nights

BUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sapien felis, sollicitudin a leo eu, malesuada tincidunt nunc. Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere.

Mood Swings

BUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sapien felis, sollicitudin a leo eu, malesuada tincidunt nunc. Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere.


BUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sapien felis, sollicitudin a leo eu, malesuada tincidunt nunc. Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere.

This is not a part of ageing and life over 40. This is most likely due to your lifestyle and hormone imbalance.

The good news is you have the power to change this and I will teach you how in 12 weeks through my online program.


Testimonials from my students

The Programs


Mini Membership

Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.


BodyProud Bootcamp

Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.



Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.

Mini Products

Mini Offer Name


Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.

Mini Offer Name


Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.

Mini Offer Name


Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.

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Q: Question goes right here?

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Q: Question goes right here?

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Q: Question goes right here?

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Q: Question goes right here?

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Q: Question goes right here?

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